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Garden Sheds
At Timberness, we specialize in creating bespoke and standard shed designs that perfectly suit your needs.
Whether you need somewhere to store your tools, for gardening projects or as your own personal workshop, we have a shed for you.

Standard Shed Spec
2x2 smooth treated framing.
16mm tounge & grooved redwood weatherboard.
20mm treated sarking boards on roof & floor.
Black super shed felt.
Galvanised tee-hinges.
Heavy duty 6inch pad bolt.
600x600 perspex windows (optional)
Bespoke Shed Spec
Various styles of cladding available including 20mm and 28mm thick.
Loglap cladding.
Larch cladding.
3x2 framing is an option.
Various roof types such as box profile, felt shingles and rubber.
Press or mortice lock handles.
Contact us for more info.
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